Maintenance of natural gas filling stations and incident management

Training dates: (in German)

Thursday 20 April 2023

Thursday 24 August 2023

Daily schedule

  • 08:30 Start of the event, welcome
  • 08:30 - 09:30 Theory 1.part: "Technical basics of natural gas filling stations
  • 09:30 - 09:45 Coffee break
  • 09:45 - 11:00 Practice 1st part: "Gas compression, drying, storage".
  • 11:00 - 12:00 Practice 2.part: various demos
  • 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
  • 13:30 - 14:15 Theory 2.part: "Technical basics of natural gas filling stations".
  • 14:15 - 15:00 Practice: 3rd part: div. Demos on vehicle refueling, gas pumps
  • 15:00 - 15:15 Coffee break
  • 15:15 - 16:00 Practice: 4th part: post work: breakaway couplings, high-pressure connections, control system
  • 16:00 - 16:30 Practice: 5th part: Apex tour with discussions based on visual materials, feedback.


  • Location: Apex AG, Industriestrasse 31, 4658 Däniken, SO
  • Speakers: Employees of the company Apex AG
  • Duration: 8:30 till 16:30
  • Participants: from 5 to max. 12 people
  • Cost: CHF 410.-, plus 7.7% VAT per person, incl. Catering

Target groups

Natural gas utility maintenance personnel, on-call personnel, deputy personnel, safety officers, and persons interested in natural gas fueling stations.

Aim of the training

In the theoretical introduction, the various plant modules are briefly presented (compressor, dryer, high-pressure accumulator, dispenser).

The main focus of the training is on practical plant operation and answering questions about natural gas filling stations. Experiments, illustrative examples and a functioning filling station (filling station at Apex) will be used to convey and discuss practical experience.

On the basis of various components (new and defective), knowledge will be deepened and confidence in dealing with natural gas filling stations will be strengthened.


Basics of the construction of a natural gas filling station, its operation and variants.

Various demonstrations such as:

  • Triggering of fusible link, pipe rupture protection and safety valve
  • Refueling without O-ring in the filling nipple
  • Operation of breakaway couplings and recommissioning
  • Molecular sieve function
  • Temperature compensation of the refueling
  • Temperature drop during refueling
  • Handling of high-pressure equipment and fittings
  • Function of the B-Control with the aid of a simulation setup
  • Maintenance of a plant (inspection, maintenance, repair, maintenance and test intervals)
  • Event management based on examples from practice

Illustrative materials (in addition to the natural gas filling station)

Components like:

  • High pressure lines and bundled pipes
  • Compressors and components (valves, cylinders, piston rings, etc)
  • Solenoid valves, safety valves, check valves
  • Div. Sensors (temperature, pressure, flow meter, etc.)
  • Filling couplings (WEH, Stäubli), filling adapters (Italy)
  • Breakaway couplings (incl. tools), filling hoses, pressure hoses
  • High pressure fittings: Swagelok, Serto and Ermeto
  • Dispenser calibration setup (pressure bottle, calibration scale, gas flare)
  • Gas detectors and calibration infrastructure
  • FuelMaker – and BONSAI – gas station
  • Vehicle pressure cylinders (Type1, Type3, Type4) and many more

With interest

Short excursion about biogas upgrading with membranes incl. Illustrative examples


We kindly ask you to register with the registration form
by fax: 062 291 26 67 or e-mail:
The number of participants is limited